Melisa Borges is a third year Journalism Major at Florida International University and active contributor to D-Twn Miami Buzz; an independent blog based page written and administered by students of Miami Dade College - Wolfson Campus. Future plans of the author include to continue the pursue of a BA in Mass Communications-Journalism and one day follow a career path in Entertainment Journalism. Currently main reporting interest are coverage of major entertainment events and arts and culture.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Dallas Buyers Club
Alright, alright, alright; Matthew McConaughey sheds the muscles to make room for
something much grander, the performance of a lifetime. Independent film and Oscar
Nominated “Dallas Buyers Club” did the impossible with its minimal budget of
$5 million, depicting the life of real AIDS diagnosed, rodeo cowboy Ron Woodroof.
Unsatisfied with his prognosis and lack of options for survival, Woodroof took
matters into his own hands. Self medicating, and experimenting with drugs to ease
AIDS’ symptoms.
Woodroof starts the Dallas Buyers Club, by smuggling the drugs under the FDA’s noses and selling it to desperate patients. Although the film is entertaining to see and full of witty comedy, it is prompt yo remind the public that is mainly about a deadly disease and its patients. Stubborn, macho, Ron Woodrrom (Mettew McConaughey) shows his drive to live in a strange manner. Abusing alcohol and drugs, while medicating for the illness the audience may question the authority a man like this has to tell others about medical treatment. Easing the tension, his trusty business partner, Rayon (Jared Letto), is the life of the film and the most heartbreaking part. Audience will shed a tear for both these Oscar winning actors.
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